Because you deserve to be at your best phase in mid-life even when you are going through menopause, I am going to share what has worked for me personally. One word of advice is to slowly incorporate changes to your lifestyle because if you’re starting from scratch, you can get easily overwhelmed. Master one thing before moving onto the next!
- Eat 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of goal body weight daily. For example, if your goal weight is 150, your goal is to eat 150 grams of protein daily. My favorite sources of protein are: chicken, fish, lean ground turkey, egg whites ,eggs, nonfat plain yogurt, protein shakes and bars for on the go. As we age getting adequate protein is top priority to maintain existing muscle. Adequate protein intake becomes crucial for preserving and building muscle tissue. Protein is the building block of muscles and provides essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. Increasing protein intake can help counteract muscle loss and promote strength and functional capacity. When I first started counting protein macros I used this Free Calculator to help me keep track. It’s a great resource!
- Lift weights (go heavy and pay attention to form!) and ditch the long cardio. As women age, they naturally experience a decline in muscle mass and strength, a condition known as sarcopenia. Strength training helps combat this process by building and maintaining muscle mass, which can improve overall strength, mobility, and functional capacity. I lift 5-6 days a week. Currently 3 upper body days, 2 lower body days. This is my current program! MINE LAUNCHES IN FEBRUARY!
- Walk 8-10k steps daily. Walking is a sustainable activity that can be maintained over the long term. It’s generally enjoyable and doesn’t cause excessive fatigue or burnout, making it more likely for individuals to stick to their exercise routine. Walking is my cardio, that’s it. I prefer to walk outside and get crucial Vitamin D that we rarely get in the PNW.
- Drinks 2-3 Stanleys a day – one of them has an LMNT pack in it.
- STOP mentally beating yourself up and go to gratitude instead. Be thankful that your body can do amazing things. You are in charge of your mental state! This is the foundation of it all.
- Get your beauty sleep! 7-8 hours a night. This is how your body resets and repairs. It’s crucial! I’m in the middle of menopause so my sleep has been crazy. Taking Magnesium every night is CRUCIAL to a good night of sleep.
- Cut or limit your alcohol and refined sugar. During the midlife years, women often experience hormonal fluctuations, particularly during perimenopause and menopause. Alcohol and excessive sugar intake can exacerbate these hormonal imbalances and contribute to symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and disrupted sleep patterns. I cut out alcohol 4.5 years ago and it was the best decision for my mental and physical health. I noticed as I got older my body was not able to process it the way it did in my earlier years and it was taking a toll in every area. Over the years I have also curbed the sugar and use stevia to sweeten! If you are wanting to cut alcohol I highly recommend trying the 30 day alcohol experiment. Game changer!

I hope these few tips helped and as always I am an open book! Check out in my Instagram for more tips or email me at