Category Archives: Midlife Rock

Why is Habit Stacking such a great idea?

So many women ask, “Where do I start?” and to that I say, if you are just getting started, HABIT STACKING is a great approach. We tend to want to do it all at once. Habit stacking is an approach that will set you up for long term success. This isn’t a sprint! Time is...

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Can I train for a marathon and still lift and build muscle?

Running Marathons in 2010 on the left – March 2024 lifting weights and walking on the right! I have been getting this question quite a bit lately. I used to run marathons believe it or not. But even by my late 20’s/early 30’s I started seeing that it was too hard on my body and...

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Why is strength training so important during Perimenopause/Menopause?

I will sing about it until every midlife queen knows the truth!! This is all you need to know! Lifting weights can positively impact hormone regulation during menopause in so many ways: How does adding muscle affect hormone regulation? Building muscle through resistance training can have multiple positive effects on hormone regulation, impacting various aspects...

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