Category Archives: Midlife Rocks

What Shoes Should I Wear to Lift?

If you’re wondering what kind of shoes you should wear for lifting, I got you! I will wear a certain shoe depending on upper or lower body days! Here’s a link with a breakdown of all of my faves! Here are a few things to keep in mind: Lower Body Days (Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges, etc.):...

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Why your body will run like a fine tuned machine with more MUSCLE!

If you are a GenX woman you get the mentality around BURNING off all the extra indulgences you participated in over the holidays. Are you experiencing this now? Thinking you just need to do a bunch of cardio and starve yourself to make it right? I want this to change for you! This next year...

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Why Women in Midlife Should Focus on Getting Strong over Skinny

February 2023 after my cut to December 2024! When I started really focusing on getting strong everything changed! Talk about a building a strong frame! This is what it’s about in midlife ladies! We have spent our lifetimes focusing on getting skinny and it’s gotten us NOWHERE. Have you seen the older women that are...

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High Protein Peppermint Bark

You’re gonna love this one! Use code ALICIAE at checkout with Clean Simple Eats!Link to Yum Earth organic candy canes used here! I used Lily’s chocolate chips. You can also optionally add melted Lily’s white chocolate chips to the greek yogurt mixture! ENJOY!

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The Truth about ABS!!!

When my abs appeared in high definition at age 50 trust me I was just as shocked! While abs are fun and aesthetically pleasing, they are not necessarily an indicator of health. They also do NOT come from some specific ab workout. There are several factors at play! Age 48 to Age 51 The truth...

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I start and then I stop. Why can’t I stay motivated?

This is something I hear often. I’ve struggled with this one myself until I really started working on mindset. Motivation is fleeting. It will not always be there. This is where you have to implement certain strategies to make lasting change. 1. Develop Clear, Meaningful Goals 2. Build Habits Through Consistency 3. Shift Your Mindset...

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