Category Archives: Midlife Rock

A Free Recipe for My Sweet Tooth Besties!

If you love sugar as much as I do, you need something to salsify that sweet craving!! Here’s a free recipe from me to you that will satisfy that sweet tooth!! I hope you love it!!! (I love Lily’s SF chips!) For protein powder I love CLEAN SIMPLE EATS!! Use code ALICIAE for 10% off!!

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Body Recomp: How did I do it?

Yes you can RECOMP your body!! Through patience and consistent work! Here are the deets! Body recomposition involves simultaneously building muscle and losing fat. I began a cut (eating in a caloric deficit to lose weight) in October of 2022 and finished February/March of 2023. From that point I wanted to RECOMP my body! This...

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Back Day BABY!!!!

Here is a basic back day that will build that SEZZY back! Let’s goooo! Complete all sets for each movement before moving onto the next. The last 2 reps should be difficult to complete while still maintaining form.  Pull-ups (assisted or BW) 3 sets of 6-9 reps  Underhand (supinated) lat pulldown 3 sets of 10-12...

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Is it Time for a Deload Week?

This is a hard one for me because I go at a certain cadence with most of my fitness endeavors! However, I will always listen to my body and sense when it’s time for a deload. This will help gains in the long run! Here are some signs that it might be time for a...

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Glutes and Hamstrings – My top exercises!

glutes and hamstrings

This used to be one of my least favorite days and now it’s one of my favorites! Once I started working lower body 3 days a week along with proper nutrition, I saw big changes! I focus on glutes and hamstrings 2 days a week. Here are my top exercises for growing my gluten and...

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How to quit (or reduce) sugar?

It’s only taken me….A LIFETIME. JK but really! It’s for sure come with a lot of attempts and failures. When I quit alcohol is when the sugar addiction really came in more hot for me. I realized pretty soon that I needed to get this under control and here is what really helped me: I...

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10 Reasons you aren’t Seeing Results

It can be frustrating when you feel like you’re doing everything to make changes with your fitness and health and not seeing the results you desire. Here are are 10 things that might just be holding you back! Everyone’s journey is unique, and it’s essential to focus on overall health and well-being rather than just...

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Macros Made Simple for Beginners!!!

This is a question the comes through A LOT! When I first decided to really track my food I determined what my macros needed to be for a caloric deficit but a SLIGHT deficit. This was about 300-400 calories daily below maintenance calories. I wanted to lose around 10-12 pounds but continue to strength train...

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What is Progressive Overload?

Progressive overload is a fundamental principle in exercise science and strength training. It refers to gradually increasing the intensity, duration, frequency, or volume of exercise over time to continually challenge the body and promote adaptations, such as muscle growth, strength gains, or improvements in endurance. The concept of progressive overload is based on the idea...

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MACROS! What did I do to achieve my results?

This is a question I get A LOT! I’m going to break it down here! Photo on left taken June 2021 Photo on right taken March 2024 When I decided it was time for the jerk perimenopause layer to be gone, I knew that in conjunction with my fitness, I would need to dial in...

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